A Green Terrace Auditorium; An initiative by FSSAI

Architecture and design in the recent times has made immense progress and innovation, environmentally friendly designs and constructions are a testimony to this. Government offices in and around the national capital too are making efforts to use such innovations within their premises. One such project recently concluded is that at the FDA Bhawan, in Central Delhi […]


5 apps that supports your designing job like a pro

Architecture has improved and magnified in its reach and technology has had a substantial role to play in this transition. Technology backed with innovation has come long way in automating the process of constructing a structure. Some of the newly developed applications have found many admirers in the architectural circle. These technology based apps are […]


Futuristic Trends in Architecture

The architecture and construction industry as it looks like today is anticipated to undergo a drastic change in the future.  The innovation of today is the gift of tomorrow. Every single step, no matter how small, taken towards improvement will lead to a future that is better and brighter. The architectural industry has been subject […]


The 5 Most Famous Buildings Of The World

The world is both a competing and chic place. Most industries and work domains are striving to become a notch above the rivals by adopting all means that provides them an edge over others.  Workplaces have become comfortable and lavish zones for the staff that provide a nurturing and warm environment. The office spaces today are […]


India Design Week – 2018

The city came to a stand still when the art was displayed at India Design Week. The entire city gathered to witness the fancy and innovative ideas being molded into home décor. A nationwide audience was a part of this unprecedented exhibition held in one of the industrial hub of New Delhi. India Design Week   attracted […]


Global Cities From The Eyes Of An Architect

Landmarks, Skyscrapers, art-decor filled streets and geometrically domed buildings are all the features of the architecture that define the excellence with which the cities are made. Stating that an entire city is the brainchild of one design maestro would be a gross understatement for it takes several years and multiple minds to build a city. What […]